Come and Learn about cutting edge GI Technology.

Vancouver, BC. July 20th-24th, 2003.

Galdos Systems, GeoConnections – Natural Resources Canada, Ordnance Survey, Cadcorp, Autodesk, Intergraph and BCIT are proud to host the 2nd annual GML Dev Days Conference. The conference is rapidly gaining momentum via the support of the world’s largest and most successful Geographic Information (GI) firms. This event offers a unique opportunity, for GI developers, location-based service developers, GI specialists, and related Geospatial professionals, to participate and learn about cutting edge GI technology from industry leaders.

The Geo-Web is the World Wide Web for Geographic Information (GI). With the emergence of the Geo-Web, Geography Markup Language (GML) became the native mechanism for all geographic data description and transport. Using GML, all geographic databases are interconnected, enabling organizations to make informed decisions based on access to locally managed and globally accessible geographic information. The OpenGIS Consortium (OGC), which is comprised of business organizations, government agencies and universities, is an international industry consortium working together to provide improved access to geographic information.
The GML Dev Days Conference 2003 proposes to provide a broad public forum for developers to discuss GML, to learn from one another and to foster the development of the Geo-Web. This is the perfect opportunity to meet GML experts from around the globe and to share GML development techniques and enhance the growing field of applying XML technology to geographic information.

If you are an OGC member this is your chance to work on the next generation of GML specifications that will drive the Geo-Web of the future. If you are new to GML, this is a must for you – you will be able to meet professionals from the industry, learn new skills and contribute to the growth of GML.

GML and OGC Web Services courses are available both at introductory and advanced levels to meet the requirements of all the conference attendees. There will also be an Exhibition showcasing organizations that are utilizing GML technology.

Conference highlights include the following:
• Pre and Post Conference workshops on the latest developments of GML 3.0 and allied technologies.
• Exhibitions of the latest GML and related products
• Opportunities to meet and network with GML and GI specialists from around the world.

Keynote Speakers include:
• Kurt Buehler, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
• Pierre Lemire Chief Technology Officer, GIS Division of Autodesk Inc
• Clemens Portele of Interactive Instruments Inc

We encourage participants to register without delay in order to secure a seat in one of the most exciting GI conferences of the year. The ISO/OGC GML Working Group Meeting (open to OGC or ISO members only) will also take place in Vancouver on Thursday and Friday (July 24 & 25) following the GML Dev Days Conference. For information and registration, please visit

Latest information on GML 3.0
Since its inception, Geography Markup Language has made some significant inroads in the GI marketplace. In the past year alone, GML 3.0 has been established as an international standard by the OGC, and is currently under evaluation to become an ISO standard. GML 3.0 is now the most flexible geographic data exchange format.

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