Third International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems : W2GIS 2003
13th December 2003, Roma, Italy
The recent advances on the developments of Wireless and Internet technologies have generated increasing interest in the diffusion and processing of geo-referenced data. Wireless and Internet devices also offer new ways of accessing and analysing geo-spatial information. Consequently, new challenges and opportunities have been provided to the GIS research community.
This one-day workshop is intended to provide an up-to-date review of advances on recent development of Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS). This workshop follows the successful 2001 and 2002 editions, held in Kyoto and Singapore, also in conjunction with the WISE conference. We invite submissions that address both theoretical and technical issues of W2GIS. Reports on implementations are particularly welcome. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to as long as they address issues related to W2GIS:
· Conceptual and logical models for W2GIS
· Data management and data retrieval methods
· Geographical search engines and web services
· Digital geographical libraries
· W2GIS query languages and interfaces
· 2D and 3D information visualisation
· Exploratory cartography and interfaces
· W2GIS data mining
· W2GIS security
· W2GIS applications and prototypes
· Location-based services
· Peer-to-peer computing
· Cyber-geography
· Semantic geo-spatial web
The W2GIS workshop papers will be included in the WISE proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of best/some selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for inclusion in World Wide Web Journal (
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