There are many articles about Internet Geology and GIS applications. These are my interests. Computers ang Geosciences
Portable digital seismological AC station over mobile telephone network and internet
Vargas-Jimenez C.A.; Rincon-Botero S.
Computers and Geosciences, July 2003, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 685-694(10)
We have developed a portable station with a low-frequency signal conditioning and acquisition system for seismic event recording. This station records events in different modes and transmits them in the cellular mobile telephone network via active pages. Setup of the station is done directly at the station or remotely via a TCP-IP connection to the site. The designed station has a 101 dB dynamic range and nine channels. Three are for the tri-axial array geophones. The other six are used for the acquisition of signals with less than 100 samples per second requirements (temperature, radiometry, inclinometers, battery monitoring, etc.). The station software allows detection of seismic events using a short-term/long-term coverage standard algorithm, as well as threshold detection, periodic capture and continuous channel capture. The conditioning and acquisition system was designed as an embedded command-driven system with its own real-time clock and storage memory.
Author Keywords: Seismic station; CDPD; Data acquisition; Data transmission
Archival precipitation data set for the Mississippi River Basin: development of a GIS-based data browser
Nelson B.R.; Krajewski W.F.; Kruger A.; Smith J.A.; Baeck M.L.
Computers and Geosciences, June 2003, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 595-604(10)
Compression of large data grids for Internet transmission
Wessel P.
Computers and Geosciences, June 2003, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 665-671(7)
Geology explorer: virtual geologic mapping and interpretation
Saini-Eidukat B.; Schwert D.P.; Slator B.M.
Computers and Geosciences, December 2002, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1167-1176(10)
We are developing internet-based freeware for virtual mapping and geologic interpretation. This takes the form of a synthetic, virtual world, Planet Oit, where students are given the means and the equipment to carry out geologic investigation and interpretation as a geologist would in the field. The environment is designed to give students an authentic experience that includes elements of: (1) exploration of a spatially oriented, virtual, world; (2) practical, field oriented, expedition planning and decision-making; and (3) scientific problem solving (i.e. a “hands on” approach to mapping, geologic investigation, data acquisition, and interpretation). The game-like environment is networked, multi-player, and simulation-based. Planet Oit can be visited on the Internet at
Author Keywords: Geoscience; Education; Virtual environments; Role-based learning
The status of digital geological mapping in Europe: – The results of a census of the digital mapping coverage, approaches and standards of 29 European geological survey organisations in the year 2000
Jackson I.; Asch K.
Computers and Geosciences, July 2002, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 783-788(6)
Web-based distribution of geo-scientific models
Markstrom S.L.; McCabe G.; David O.
Computers and Geosciences, May 2002, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 577-581(5)
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